300X300 speed camera

Traffic speeds in and around the village

During the course of the last 12 months or so of Parish Council business we have received various parishioner items relating to traffic speeding concerns in and around the village. Observations of speeding cars on West Drive/Manor Drive, Holme Drive, Scothern Lane and A158 have all been received, as well as suggestions about following the lead of Scothern PC and Greetwell PC and installing mobile speed awareness signs.

We have engaged with Lincolnshire Road safety Partnership and numerous traffic surveys have been completed, with the purpose of gathering data to establish whether we have a problem, and if so, the extent of it. The results of these surveys can be found on the link below.

Whilst no obvious or significant speeding issues are highlighted, we will continue to consider appropriate responses. For example increased/improved speed limit signs and/or investing in mobile speed awareness signs as we see in Scothern and Greetwell now.