Scouts - 25th Lincoln (Scothern) Scout Group

Scouting is open to any young person, both boys and girls.
The age ranges of the sections are as follows and all meet on Tuesday evenings at Scothern Village Hall:
- Beavers - Age 6 to 8 yrs (17:30 to 18:30)
- Cubs - Age 8 to 10½ yrs (18:00 to 19:15)
- Scouts - Age 10½ to 14 yrs (19:30 to 21:00)
To see what scouting all about please have a look at the national Scout Association website:
If you would like to know more about joining, or helping as an adult please contact:
- Nick Cornwell-Smith, Group Scout Leader (otherwise known as Skip)
on 07824 995070 or e-mail:
More info? - Read our poster below