Bus Services from Sudbrooke

There are several bus services that run from Sudbrooke to surrounding areas. For fares and general enquiries please contact the bus operator providing the service.

This table provides a summary of the bus services that Sudbrooke has to offer. The full timetables for all the services are available by visiting www.lincsbus.info

Departs From
Route Number


Cherry Tree Café

Lincoln City

Bus Station

Stagecoach InterConnect 6

The service is Monday to Saturday hourly with 5 journeys on a Sunday.

For full timetable information, visit www.lincsbus.info


Cherry Tree Cafe

Skegness Interchange

Stagecoach InterConnect 6  

The service is Monday to Saturday hourly with 5 journeys on a Sunday.

For full timetable information visit www.lincsbus.info


Cherry Tree Cafe

Lincoln City

Bus Station

Stagecoach 10

There are 6 journeys Monday to Saturday.

For full timetable information visit www.lincsbus.info


Cherry Tree Cafe

Louth Bus Station

Stagecoach 10

There are 6 journeys Monday to Saturday.

For full timetable information visit www.lincsbus.info


Cherry Tree Cafe

Lincoln City

Bus Station

PC Coaches 23

There are 2 journeys Monday to Friday.

For full timetable information visit www.lincsbus.info


Cherry Tree Cafe

Market Rasen Market Place

PC Coaches 23

There are 2 journeys Monday to Friday.

For full timetable information visit www.lincsbus.info


Community Transport

Voluntary Car Schemes are operated by volunteers using their own cars providing transport to local people for a small fee to cover the driver’s expenses. Journeys are organised by a co-ordinator and available to anyone unable to access public transport.

To check if your village is covered by one of the county’s 20+ schemes currently in operation go to www.lincstravel.info click on Provider Search and use the A-Z buttons to find your village.

If you would like more information on becoming a volunteer driver contact your local scheme or phone 01507 609535 and ask to speak to Bob Barnes. All drivers are reimbursed at 45p per mile.


Wheels to Work

Wheels to Work is a moped loan scheme and an affordable transport solution for individuals struggling to get to work, college or training.

For more information visit www.access-your-future.com  or phone 01507 526 778.


Lincs Bus


Traveline East Midlands