Sudbrooke Walking Group – We walk on the first Saturday of every month. Everyone is welcome to join us.
The Walking Group was formed in 2007 following requests for walking opportunities during the preparation of the parish plan.
It is an informal organisation; there are no subscriptions and no constitution. Walkers who require insurance cover should make their own arrangements.
Walkers take turns in leading walks.
Walkers meet at 9:30am at the Village Hall on the first Saturday of each month. The walks are usually between six and eight miles in length and the aim is to return to Sudbrooke by 1:30pm. If a longer walk is planned, good notice of this is posted in Sudbrooke News.
Everyone is welcome to join in this free and healthy activity.
For local walks starting from the village hall transport is not required. Otherwise you will need your own transport unless you have made prior arrangements to car share.
Sometimes walkers do not return directly to Sudbrooke at the end of a walk
You are advised to take a waterproof coat, use suitable footwear and bring a snack and a drink.
For more information please contact Mike Halliday on 01522 754686.
Country Walks
I have been asked how we identify our group walks and is there a set programme for the year.
We actually run the walking group on informal lines with no membership subscriptions, no formal rules and members can volunteer to lead a walk if they wish.
During a walk, we will agree the location for the next walk. Sometimes this has to change if ground conditions are poor and we need to opt for a ‘drier’ walk.
We often respond to the seasons for walk location taking advantage of the free massed displays of snowdrops, daffodils, bluebells, autumn fruit and tree colour all in a natural setting.
The focus of other walks may be historical as the Romans and Vikings were quite busy in Lincolnshire as well as the RAF presence in World War Two.
Details of established walks are obtainable from many sources.
The County Council and District Councils provide printed leaflets for walks of all types; online access and download is also available. Parish Councils, village churches, shops and cafes often have details of local walks.
I have a complete set of Ordnance Survey Explorer Maps for the whole of Lincolnshire so that we can tweak an established walk or plan our own walk if necessary.
There are also many hardback and paperback publications of walks in Lincolnshire. The Ordnance Survey ‘Lincolnshire and the Wolds outstanding circular walks’ and ‘100 walks in Lincolnshire and Humberside’ by The Crowood Press are good ones.
Best of all individuals have their own favourite walks so variety is not an issue for us.
Tel 01522 754686
Last walk
Nine walkers braved the cold weather to do a 6 mile walk around Whisby Nature Park.
The Nature Park has excellent car parking,good firm footpaths around the lakes and woodland plus a large restaurant and shopping area with all of the usual facilities.
There are 6 large lakes created from gravel pits that attract birds from far and wide.During our visit we saw mostly hardy ducks and swans but in warmer weather the lakes are invaded and watchers can make good use of the hides surrounding the lakes.
There are lots of trees and shrubs to be enjoyed.The spring bulbs were growing well and the Broom shrubs were in flower.
At the end of the walk we retired to the restaurant for refreshments and a rest.The excesses over Christmas time had taken the edge off some of our walking fitness.
Next walk is Saturday 1st February.
At this time of year we are guided by the weather in terms of location so our provisional plan is a circular walk of approximately 6 miles from Navenby along Lincoln Edge and the Ermine Roman Road.
Walkers should meet at our village hall at 9-30am and are advised to wear a waterproof coat, wear suitable footwear and bring a drink and a snack.
Everyone is welcome to join our walks.
Mike Halliday tel. 01522 754686