February 2021 Agenda
Email sudbrookeparishcouncil@gmail.com
Following amended legislation allowing Council meetings to be held remotely in light of the Covid 19 situation; a remote meeting of Sudbrooke Parish Council will be held on Thursday 4 February 2021 at 7.30pm using Zoom online video conferencing.
The meeting is open to the public and if you wish to attend you will need to register with Zoom and download the relevant software/app onto your computer, phone or iPad, in advance of the meeting. To do this go to https://zoom.us – press the ‘signup its free button’ and follow the onscreen guidance to register.
Approximately 10 minutes before the meeting is due to start you should click the following link
Signed C M Myers
Clerk to the Council 29.1.2021
1. Parishioners items
2. To receive apologies and reasons given.
3. To receive Declarations of Interest on any item on the agenda.
4. Co-option of member to the Parish Council
5. Notes of the meeting held on 14 January 2021 to be approved for Chairman to sign as minutes.
6. Police matters – Anything to report
7. County Councillor and District Councillor reports.
8. Burial space at St Edward’s Church yard – update
9. To review the Parish Council’s Publication Policy
10. Highway issues:-
a. St Edwards Drive footpath - update
b. Nettleham Lane/Church Lane – poor surface/potholes - update
c. Scothern Lane – towards A158 junction – condition of footpath - update
11. Finance:-
a. To consIder quotations received for painting of the Park Gates.
b. Accounts for payment
c. To agree to Internal Audit for 2020/21
12. Planning – anything to report
13. Clerks Report
14. Chairman’s Report
15. Correspondence received since last meeting as listed separately.
16. Date of next meeting – Thursday 4 March 2021, 7.30pm, to be held by Zoom.
Correspondence received since last meeting
* sent to residents email list
10.1.2021 – Notification that 50mph sign Wragby Road reinstated
11.1.2021 – Nettleham Police Team January newsletter
18.1.2021 – LALC Weekly newsletter (including Covid 19 Vaccination sites circulated to residents for information)
17.01.2021 – LALC Survey for members
18.1.2021 – Lincs Fire and Rescue information on Storm Christoph
25.1.2021 – LALC Weekly News
26.1.2021 – Notification of TPO No1 2021 made to properties on Wragby Road and The Paddock.
27.1.2021 – Report from resident re poor road surface on Sudbrooke/Nettleham Lane
*27.1.2021 – Big Energy Saving Network Coffee Morning